Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: treasure boat way Sarasota 34242

Approximate value $: 950,000

Location is excellent. Walk to the beach and to Siesta Key village. This is a new 4/3 on Siesta Key. We have a tropical pool and hot tub with waterfalls. Lust landscape. All hardwood floors. A gourmet kitchen and fireplace. More photos upon request. We wish to trade for a home in one of Californias coastal regions.

In exchange for House in California

Approximate value $ : under 1 million

Will trade for land or a single family home.

ID: 1381, Submitted: 09/10/2008 17:44:22, Updated: 09/10/2008 17:44:22, Visitors: 3977


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