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House in Florida

Address: 5808 Elmwood Lane Tampa 33615

Approximate value $: $390,000

I have a 2200 plus sq. ft. 3 Bedroom 2 1/2 Bath w huge family room and lanai over looking the Deep Salt Water Canal in Bay Crest Park Tampa. I am the 2nd owner. This home is completely remodeled top to bottom 3 years ago the right way. Job transfer has caused me to consider sale or trade. This home is listed on Listing 4841 with much more information. Not looking for any scam artisits or dreamers. Will consider a LEASE PURCHASE.

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : $250000

I will consider a Trade or a Lease Purchase. I am onlyu the 2nd owner of this property built in 1962. This property was completlely renovated 3 years ago top to bottom the right way. This Property can also be viewed on with a great deal more of inforamtion. Will trade for smaller property, condo, villa, townhome in Tampa area, Delray/Highland Beach, Boca Raton areas. Will also consider investment or commerical income producing properties. Really do not want to exceed $250,000. Job transfer has caused me to consider sale or trade.

ID: 14649, Submitted: 06/12/2011 10:22:14, Updated: 06/12/2011 10:35:01, Visitors: 8699


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