Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: Maverick Gulf Breeze 32563

Approximate value $: 60,000

3/2 Built 1984 1/4 Acre On Dead End Street. In the best school district the state has to offer, Woodlawn. Has huge front porch and was a site built MF Home. Would make a great second or retirement home in warm climate and 10 minutes to Navarre or Pensacola Beaches !
Cash Flowing at $550 Monthly.

In exchange for House in Tennessee, Texas

Approximate value $ : 60,000

Looking to exchange this property for another asset in AUSTIN area.

ID: 17336, Submitted: 09/25/2011 17:12:02, Updated: 09/25/2011 17:12:02, Visitors: 3283


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