Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 1124 Gardanne Ct Kissimmee 34759

Approximate value $: $155,500

WWW.SOUJOURN.NET for photos. Single ranch style 3/2/2 with concrete screen covered concrete deck and pool, enclosed rear yard with Kio Pond. Fully furnished ($24k inventory list upon request) and warrantied. Asking $111,111 or Best Offer and would consider a RV or Boat as DOWN payment up to 75% of the asking price.

In exchange for Property in Any state

Approximate value $ : 85,000

Remote RV site with water or well up to $41k. Small condo in Baltimore or Boston up to $85k

ID: 17755, Submitted: 10/09/2011 14:52:22, Updated: 03/01/2012 15:56:03, Visitors: 3274


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