Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: West Park 33023

Approximate value $: 109,000

We would like to permanently trade our house in West Park located directly between I-95 and the Turnpike for property (home, land, farm, town house, commercial, etc.) in Gainesville or surrounding area. The house is a 3bd/2ba with the biggest yard in the neighborhood (2 lots). Plenty of storage and covered parking. Tropical plants, live oaks, ferns growing on lot. Property features paver walkways throughout private park-like setting, screened in porch with in ground hot tub, marble tile floors throughout entire house. Valued at $109,000-120,000. Open to trades up or down.

In exchange for House in Florida, 32653

Approximate value $ : 100,000

Any property in Gainesville, FL or surrounding area

ID: 18898, Submitted: 11/20/2011 07:29:58, Updated: 11/20/2011 20:18:08, Visitors: 2927


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