Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 34442

Approximate value $: 254000

I have a nice 3 br 2 bath with a pool home in a beautiful community in the state of Florida.
I would like to swap the home with your home in plano, richardson, tx area or consider a favorable sale.

Please contact at 972-415 6944 or email :

In exchange for House in Texas, 75025

Approximate value $ : 200K+

3 or 4 Br with 2 or 3 bath and 2 car garrage in the Plano, tx area.

ID: 19501, Submitted: 12/16/2011 13:26:44, Updated: 12/16/2011 13:26:44, Visitors: 2979


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