Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: N.W. Fork Rd. Stuart 34994

Approximate value $: 400000.

Wonderful 2000. sq. ft. traditional block bungalow. It has all the storm updates,pool,pond,backyard shop and boat access across the street. Home is rented until July ...good income!!! updated - really cute 3/2

In exchange for House in Utah, 84098

Approximate value $ : 400000. 0r below-prefer latter

house or condo in park city...will look at all options I also have property outside of asheville nc.

ID: 2183, Submitted: 01/21/2009 11:48:18, Updated: 01/21/2009 11:48:18, Visitors: 1949


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