Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 34117

Approximate value $: $300,000+

5-Acres Fenced and gated deadend on wide canal-great for kayaking (2 kayaks included), fishing, etc. 2-level dock and boat ramp; Tennis court (needs resurfaced), 15x30 in ground Pool and lanai screened. House- 3bd-2ba, block construction with tile roof. 1500 Sq.Ft. under air; Lots of palms, plants; Bank will work with us to lower mortgage for buyer. Current loan $430,000.

In exchange for House in Colorado, 80027 -80942

Approximate value $ : $150,000

Acreage, foothills, 2-3bed, 1-2 baths, fencing- cabin, adobe - couple near retirement, downsizing- Want to be near grandchildren- Denver to Santa Fe area. J.P. Morgan Chase Mortgage would make trade easier.

ID: 21908, Submitted: 05/25/2012 15:19:10, Updated: 05/30/2012 08:17:09, Visitors: 3236


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