Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: Gathering Court Reunion 34747

Approximate value $: 1100000

Continental built 4750+/- SF 5 BR 5 1/2 bath custom built and marvelously appointed, fully furnished home on Nicklaus golf course in Reunion Resort (Kissimmee), FL. This home has all the high end finishes, trims and appointments and would cost significantly more to replicate today. Built in 2005. Never rented, this second home is in near new condition and was recently updated with endless hot water tanks, update electronics, alarm and lock system. n

In exchange for House in New Jersey, North Carolina

Approximate value $ : 1100000

Looking for beautiful home in Asheville, NC or Princeton, NJ. Would consider condo, prefer home. Will trade down or even. Will consider financing difference if trading down.

ID: 22838, Submitted: 12/26/2012 09:03:32, Updated: 12/26/2012 09:06:41, Visitors: 2913


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