Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 3151 Hercules Rd South Venice 34293

Approximate value $: 140,000

This is a 2 bedroom, one bath home in a nice neighborhood not too far from the ocean. It is a rance style home with an attached one car garage. I am interested in swaping for a property in Wisconsin. I'm also interested in selling and would be open to owner financing with little down payment.

In exchange for House in Wisconsin

I don't care what kind of property it is. It would help if it was income producing. I want to get out of the $128,000 loan I own on this property.

ID: 2287, Submitted: 02/02/2009 20:53:12, Updated: 02/02/2009 20:53:12, Visitors: 2350


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