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House in Florida

Address: 1471 Pecos dr ormond bch 32174

Approximate value $: 550000

Equity TRADE, FOR S/FAMILY OR TOWNHOUSE MY 3/3 POOL,2700 sq ft, 3/4 ACRE LOT, Halifax Plantation, cbs 1994-06 custom, 23.5 ft elev.. we like vero, Key Largo, Sarasota area's
Let's talk!

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : 250000

Florida Key's- Vero bch, Sabastian. S/family- 2100 sq ft, 3/2, CBS, or Townhouse, condo less than 12 units

ID: 22912, Submitted: 01/17/2013 14:19:25, Updated: 01/17/2013 15:55:48, Visitors: 4506


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