Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: E.Page dr. deltona 32725

Approximate value $: 159,

Looking to house swap for the winter...Lovely fl. 1100sq.ft. home,RV parking,across from Lake McGarity and Campbell park,17 mi. to the ocean,40 min. to Orlando..gardens, flowers and lots of sunshine... for home or apt. in Portland Me. from Jan.through April (neg.) serious inq. please..386-341-0208

In exchange for House in Maine, 04101

Approximate value $ : oooo

Must be in Portland..temp. swap only for the winter..House, apt. or condo..

ID: 23832, Submitted: 12/17/2013 15:01:32, Updated: 12/17/2013 15:07:39, Visitors: 7004


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