Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 3335columbus Ave jacksonville 32254

Approximate value $: 65k

fenced lot, large back yard older house, but still a gooded close to schools,most shopin malls easy to down town friend s with those who does not stick nosre r in your biz

In exchange for House in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia

Approximate value $ : 45,00.00

by phone only 904/514/7624,or 904/521/6279 any time aftter 2 pm,until 9 pm_any day of week,that is 7 day a week Edd is the man of of the time f(

ID: 24063, Submitted: 03/24/2014 23:16:47, Updated: 03/24/2014 23:16:47, Visitors: 7076


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