Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 33957

Approximate value $: 600000

1 of a kind fortress 10 acres brand new built 2012

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 600000.

1 of a kind concrete fortress on 10 acres on national forest.
30 mins north of Tampa Florida , 30 mins to Orlando
Very private homes only area . Rural but only mins to super walmart
Banks post office ect. Make this your vacation home or residence.
If you love to fish hunt this is your place. Equestrian property house 3000sf 2nd building another 1200 sf 126 pella windows doors 55 degree angle roofs
Hard cell foam 1 st 2 nd floor low electric bills . 50k in ceilings 100k in concrete balconies . I am looking for a even trade or your trade and cash. I will not hold morgage. I owe 0. My home has never been listed for sale. My home is like new built 2012

ID: 24456, Submitted: 09/20/2014 14:44:25, Updated: 09/20/2014 14:44:25, Visitors: 11451


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