Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: Sugar Mill Woods 34446

Approximate value $: 155000/190000

2 BR, 2 Bath, 2 car garage, 1800+ sf. Geothermal heat and air, new roof 2 enclosed lanais, 2 patios, walk-in shower in laundry room. Wooded yard and extra lot optional.

In exchange for House in North Carolina, Hendersonville Area

Approximate value $ : 125000 - 175000

Looking for a at least 2 BR, 2 Baths, garage, outbuilding, some acreage, no mobile or modular. Even a little of a fixer up would consider.

ID: 25080, Submitted: 10/18/2015 19:39:21, Updated: 10/18/2015 19:39:21, Visitors: 3650


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