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House in Florida

Address: deerwalk av tampa 33624

Approximate value $: 220 000

Permanent swap or trade of my home in Tampa Florida to one in any State near the border of Mexico . Has to be in a city or town with a comunity living,thank you
This house is in a very nice neighborhood near everything beach, movies, hospitals,malls,amenities, restaurants, everything with two beautiful park in it. The house in place very stetical in a corner with a round car drive and palm trees, avocato trees,tangerine trees and beautiful oak trees that give a great beauty to it. It has 2 stores and a loft beautiful that gives the sensation of amplitude, its 230000 square feet but it look even more, has the taste of mansion. There are 3 big rooms int the second floor with 2 full bathrooms and in the first floor you enter and in your right there is a cover porch that can be an office with a skilight that overlooks beautiful trees then you see the livingroom with doble high that makes it look so elegant and after you can see the stars to the second store and the formal diningroom and next to it the big kitchen with a big window to the backyard next to the libririe or the breakfast nook with a realfireplace. Then at the end of the house a beautiful familyroom with windows that show all the backyard. You will fall in love with deck that goes out of the mainroom where you can see a pond. and the beautiful sun set and sun rise in the beautiful mornings in Florida

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 180 000 to 220 000

Would like to make and even trade or maybe one with someone with a property that worth less but then we can negociate and maybe stay in the even trade if its rational for them and for me. I want to be in a town or city where there in a comutity and public transportation if posible, near to stores and other amenities if posible.The best for me will be first in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona or California, but l can think other places if its easy to travel to Mexico. I would like a home that has one room or all the house with high celings or you can do something to built one. thank you very much
I will look and answer any offer you can email me to or call me 813 600 3266

ID: 2611, Submitted: 03/31/2009 09:51:28, Updated: 03/31/2009 09:51:28, Visitors: 6257


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