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House in Florida

Address: Palmetto/St.Pete 34221 and 33703

Approximate value $: 83k and 155k

We've got these 2 cute homes separated by the Skyway bridge 25min apart. We'd like to merge our families on the Manatee county side of the bridge. Both homes are decent rental opportunities or with minimal investments, could just do little work and flip them. Both in decent quiet neighborhoods. Palmetto home has $280 a quarter HOA and is a @900sq 2br 2bth manufactured home. St.Pete home is block single family @1100sq 3br 2bth, with fenced back yard.

In exchange for House in Florida, 34221 or nearby

Approximate value $ : 200-300

Would prefer no HOA, but if decent, we could manage. 3-4br 2bth parking for 3-4 cars. Over 1200sq, probably under 2500sq in livable condition. Minor TLC is ok.

ID: 26842, Submitted: 11/19/2019 15:05:51, Updated: 11/19/2019 15:10:17, Visitors: 4530


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