Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: Peeler Rd. Jacksonville 32277

Approximate value $: 350000.00

5/3. Not a fixer upper. 1 story. City water, septic system. 20 minutes to airport. 10 to Downtown and stadiums, 30 to Jacksonville Beach, 20 to Mayport. Hospital 10 min. 3 min. Groc, fast food, doctors, dentists, etc. Not in a flood zone. Not in an evacuation zone.

In exchange for House in Florida, Southeast Florida

Approximate value $ : 350000.00

Would like exchange for smaller house in Southeast Fl.

ID: 27468, Submitted: 11/17/2021 12:14:08, Updated: 11/20/2021 14:18:35, Visitors: 7912


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