Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 10963 87th Seminole 33772

Approximate value $: 340,000

We have a beautiful house Approximately 1200 sqft 2 bed room home in Seminole Florida approximately 2. Miles from the Gulf of Mexico.
Valued $340,000.00 ( No flooding insurance needed, High & Dry)
Looking to trade for a house on the Lake in North Georgia Mountain Area. ( Lake Blue Ridge, Lake Nottely, Lake Chatuge)
If you are interested in a trade $$$ We will be interested in talking to you about you property.
You can contact us at

In exchange for House in Georgia, 30546, 30513, 30582

Approximate value $ : 450,000.00

On the water

ID: 27484, Submitted: 12/15/2021 00:47:00, Updated: 12/15/2021 01:35:05, Visitors: 4359


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