Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: Orlando 33897

Approximate value $: 300000

Make yourself at home in this beautiful 4 bedroom, 3 bath home located minutes from Disney and major highways (Rt.I-4). Relax and enjoy in the heated underground pool. Driving Directions: Take I-4 west to exit 58 (the Reunion/Champions Gate exit) and make a left turn. Go down approx .5 mile and turn right onto Lake Wilson Road. Go straight and make left onto Ronald Regan. Make a right on to 17-92. Make a right onto Hart Road - to the entrance of Aviana Resort.

In exchange for House in New York

Approximate value $ : 500,000

Will consider a house, condo, or townhome in New York(preferably in Long Island, Westchester, or the Boroughs)

ID: 2968, Submitted: 06/11/2009 20:52:49, Updated: 08/19/2009 20:49:57, Visitors: 3580


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