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House in Florida

Address: 105 marie dr ponce inlet 32127

Approximate value $: 235000.

yes, another beachouse in fl. all block and stone, 3-2-2, 1.5 blks from ocean. 1600#ft, all appliances. quiet neighborhood, low crime, great school dist.[spruce creek high is consistently in top 100 h.schools in america]. public boat ramp 3 min drive. 10-15 min drive to any and all services, with local rests., and banks and 7-11, parks, tennis and bb. cts within biking distance. jack 386 7616565

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 0-250k

good rental prop. mutifamily ok. water always a plus

ID: 3992, Submitted: 09/16/2009 16:10:09, Updated: 09/16/2009 16:10:09, Visitors: 2166


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