Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 920 golden cane drive weston 33327

Approximate value $: 374,900

On the water , lake view sun set, prestigousd Weston Savanna sub division, country club style multi pool facility, miniature golf ect. 1 mile to YMCA and regional park. Kids get to go to Manatee Bay elementary. Will sell or trade for home in Davie of shotgun area.

In exchange for House in Florida, 33326

Approximate value $ : 450.000

near or right on 26th street in Davie Florida.

ID: 4463, Submitted: 11/21/2009 07:50:05, Updated: 11/21/2009 07:50:05, Visitors: 2662


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