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House in Florida

Address: 8129 pagoda dr spring hill 34606

Approximate value $: $125,000

A 3/2/2 poolhome, screened in pool with child safety fence has living room dinning room and breakfast nook appx.1800 sq.ft, large bedrooms fenced in back yard fresh paint inside the home. Very quiet neighborhood and vey convienient to shopping all the major shopping stores with in 5 min. appx 45min to a hour from the city of tampa or St.Pete Clearwater area. Looking for home with in a hour of Knoxville,T.N.

In exchange for House in Tennessee

Approximate value $ : $125,000

Will consider anything near the same price range

ID: 7446, Submitted: 08/06/2010 16:02:08, Updated: 08/06/2010 16:07:27, Visitors: 4226


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