Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: 6149 Elliott St Punta Gorda 33950

Approximate value $: 150000

Duplex property in the heart of Punta Gorda FL; On the Peace River. An undivided 50% interest is for sale. Property is now rented but the location is perfect. I will trade for land, or other property in GA, MO, or AR. Call Jim at 202-834-9417 or see the external link

In exchange for Property in Arkansas, District of Columbia, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia

Approximate value $ : 150000

Can trade for land, dwelling, business, or specific personal property.

ID: 746, Submitted: 06/27/2008 06:13:24, Updated: 06/27/2008 06:13:24, Visitors: 3334


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