Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Florida

Address: NE 6th St Boca Raton 33432

Approximate value $: 500,000

Downtown Boca Raton. Discount for monthly and off season rentals. Spacious 2 bdrm, 1 bath, large kitchen, big backyard home in GREAT location! Quiet neighborhood tucked behind Boca's best restaurants and outdoor amphitheatre with free entertainment (3 blocks). Buy parking pass from City for $23 and get access to all beautiful beaches. Beaches are from 3 min. to 10 min. drive from home or 20 min. walk. Please email or Call (561) 338 - 9936 if interested. (Price negotiable for offseason rentals)

To bring your car: take the Amtrak AutoTrain from Lorton, VA and ride to Orlando, FL. Price includes meals. Drive 3 hours to Boca Raton from Orlando. Saves gas, food lodging costs!

In exchange for Condominium in District of Columbia, Virginia

ID: 958, Submitted: 07/17/2008 20:34:41, Updated: 07/17/2008 20:34:41, Visitors: 3137


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