Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Georgia

Address: Athens 30606

Approximate value $: 420,000

3 Bedroom 3 bath house, located in the heart of Athens GA, very close to the University of Georgia- The house currently has an in-law suite that is currently earning 800 a month ... This is a perfect house for a grad student or new professor that is wanting a comfortable place to live. The house is very dog friendly (dog bath, finished pen etc.) and is really a joy. Sits on 1+ acres. House was recently renovated (full) about 16 months ago. Great opportunity to have a no problem house with a tenant that will pay half your mortgage.... email if you have any interesting options...

In exchange for House in District of Columbia, 30606

Approximate value $ : 420,000

Any property in the washington DC area- preferably a home, however all options will be considered- Condo, land, free standing house, commercial property.... etc.

ID: 10523, Submitted: 12/12/2010 10:55:26, Updated: 12/12/2010 10:55:26, Visitors: 2218


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