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House in Georgia

Address: 31636

Approximate value $: 128,000

Last appraised at $128,000. 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath. Two stories, unfinished basement with private egress could be turned into private apartment-already has framework for additional full bathroom. Some work needed on house, mostly paint and flooring. Built in 2012. Looks like a castle on exterior, 1.08 acres with a small seasonal spring in back, fruit trees in front. Looking for house with acreage, preferably forested and in the middle of no-where, bedroom number and resale value not important. This house is owned free and clear, and so should yours be.

In exchange for House in Alaska, Colorado, Michigan, Oregon, Washington

ID: 26929, Submitted: 01/26/2020 21:24:12, Updated: 01/26/2020 21:24:12, Visitors: 4775


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