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House in Georgia

Address: 13864 Panhandle Lane Hampton GA, 30228 Hampton 30228

Approximate value $: 200,000

Beautiful property located on 2 fishing lakes, 1.78 acres surrounded by woods with lots of producing fruit trees and easy to take care of landscaping on the property including gardenias, hydrangeas, and lots of daylilies. High elevation, no fear of flooding. Best tasting well-water and lots of outside water-spickets on the property for the large garden with special dirt. New and some original hardwood floors, new carpeting in 2 bedrooms. Ranch home on a crawlspace, large garden tub in master,2 full bathrooms, large fireplace in a vaulted-ceiling living room open-ended with a large kitchen, custom-made matching cabinetry throughout the home. Two+ car attached garage with remote doors. Four bedrooms, office, french doors, ceiling fans in every room, 3 decks with 5 sliding glass doors (3 new), on a quiet dead-end road in a gem of a neighborhood. All homes in the neighborhood are set far apart with acreage of 2-5 acres for each property. No cookie-cutter homes here. Easy home to maintain, no work needed, easy and efficient. Electric usually around $70 @ month, even with air running. No water bill.....very nice. 30 minutes to airport guaranteed. priced $150,000 75K below appraisal

In exchange for House in Indiana, 46303, 46307, 46373

Approximate value $ : 150,000


ID: 806, Submitted: 07/02/2008 15:13:38, Updated: 07/03/2008 12:35:09, Visitors: 2609


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