Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Georgia

Address: W Girard Ave Cedartown 30125

Approximate value $: $90000

Home in quiet neighborhood, many elderly neighbors, safe. Close to schools, parks, shopping. 3dbrm, 2bath. Turned garage into huge bedroom. Cellar furnished; living room, dining area, office area, foyer. Very comfortable and spacious for growing family or working couple.
Large front yard~

In exchange for House in Georgia

Approximate value $ : 30141

3bdrm, 2bth... Most things can be negotiated. My job moved therefore I desire to be closer.

ID: 8188, Submitted: 09/15/2010 22:42:58, Updated: 09/15/2010 22:42:58, Visitors: 2680


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