Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Idaho

Address: 62 View Drive Centerville 83631

Approximate value $: 29,500

16 x 24', 1/3 acre
Cedar shakes and metal roof for no maintenance, electricity, range, woodstove, loft, outhouse (no water).
Large pines on the property.
Cross-county ski or snowmobile right out the front door in winter.
Fishing available in nearby streams.
Miles of motorcycle and ATV trails.
Hunt elk, deer, turkey, and bear on nearby public land

In exchange for Land in Idaho, 83866

Approximate value $ : 29,500

Evergreen trees, access to electricity & water
Bare ground or small cabin/house
Near Clarkia, Fernwood, Santa

ID: 10012, Submitted: 11/24/2010 17:17:56, Updated: 11/24/2010 17:17:56, Visitors: 2795


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