Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Idaho

Address: Nampa 83687

Approximate value $: 45,000

2007 Fleetwood manufactured home 3 bed 2 bath, in excellent condition. Lot rent in nice family park is $265 mo. Must pass park management credit check. Very nice home. Everything in the home is for sale. Furniture is less than 1 year old. I have health issues and need to re-locate to northern CA. to be near my family. Willing to trade double wide, for a newer single, 2 bedroom. ASAP.

In exchange for Town House in California, 95678

Approximate value $ : 45,000

It can be a small place, but needs to be in good condition. I would prefer to live somewhere near San Lois Ospispo. Not an absolute, though. I can live in a place at least 700 sq. ft. My home has many upgrades, nice yard, garden tub, deck, includes washer dreyer, fridge, stove, outdoor furniture, BBQ, all garden tools, large shed and you can make an offer on anything in my home. I don't plan to move it all.

ID: 12284, Submitted: 02/05/2011 01:32:22, Updated: 02/05/2011 01:32:22, Visitors: 8779


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