Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Idaho

Address: Highway 21 and Grimes Creek Boise 83716

Approximate value $: 400,000

We live on 4.6 wooded acres in Boise County near Idaho City. We're 45 minutes from Micron. Our home is 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3 car garage, basement, granite counter tops, wood burning and gas fire place, slate and carpet floors, deck with a view and more.

In exchange for House in Idaho

Approximate value $ : 400,000 (or greater)

5+ bedrooms, 3+ garages, prefer .50+ acreage for privacy

ID: 14618, Submitted: 06/10/2011 12:14:40, Updated: 06/10/2011 12:14:40, Visitors: 6086


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