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House in Idaho

Address: 1180 New York St Middleton 83644

Approximate value $: 139,000

4 bedroom, 2 bath, oversized garage (able to park full size crue cab long bed pickup inside) RV parking, full irrigation available from rear canal behind property. House built 1998. Well kept, well built, clean. Please contact for any additional information. Minimal snow area, Low utilities. Low taxes. Wish for home of similar value on 1 acre. May consider different state.

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 139,000

wanted: 1 acre, min 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage, minor repairs, cleanup OK.

ID: 23920, Submitted: 01/21/2014 12:27:18, Updated: 01/21/2014 15:35:56, Visitors: 11618


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