Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Illinois

Address: 1229 darrow Evanston 60626

Approximate value $: 350,000

3 bd 2 3/4 bath, hardwood floors, master suite with jacuzzi, double vanity, 2 closets( 1 walk in), vaulted ceilings with private deck. 2 bd rms on 2nd fl. Sep kit, dinning rm and vaulted ceiling lst fl living rm. Back yard with poarch and outside parking for 2 or 3 cars. On cu de sac - Unfinished basement _ has been a rental for 12 years and it has been good to me. Doing a little updating. Can move at will. Value could be * or - , with good credit - I can hold 2nd or buy up. Deal Maker. looking for a condo or townhouse - that can be left vacant during the winter -

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 350,000 - 400,000


ID: 1824, Submitted: 11/11/2008 23:49:27, Updated: 11/11/2008 23:49:27, Visitors: 2509


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