Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Illinois

Address: Glasgow Dr Frankfort 60423

Approximate value $: 175,000

2 (possibly 3) Bedroom House minutes from I-80 and I-355. HUGE lot with above ground pool and play yard for children. Fantastic schools. Also check for more information

In exchange for House in Illinois, 60423

Approximate value $ : 250,000

Would like a 3+ bedroom 2+ bath home with 2 car garage on a decent lot in Frankfort, Mokena, Naperville, Tinley Park, Orland Park, New Lenox area.

ID: 22297, Submitted: 07/24/2012 23:50:06, Updated: 07/24/2012 23:50:06, Visitors: 8228


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