Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Illinois

Address: 62821

Approximate value $: 83,000

1950 3-4 Bed, 1 Bath in Southern Illinois. We had a new electric pole installed with a new service drop and an all new electrical box. House is just outside of town and the only house on the block. Average wildlife is deer, Bald Eagle, turkey vultures, wild turkeys, hawks, and many more. We've actually got into bird watching while living here! Less than 50 miles from Garden of the Gods in the Shawnee National Forest! Within walking distance to The Little Wabash River! Small historic town. Less than 30 minutes from a recreational dispensary. House is eligible for Homestead Exemption, so property taxes are dirt cheap.

Looking for a house preferably Western Ohio Darke County or surrounding. Not use to being squeezed between neighbors, so no neighbors or at least at a distance is fine. Would also be open to land if it's secluded and outside of town with no restrictions. If the house is in town, it must be livable and not on a tear down list!

We are not in a hurry to move but can also be ready as soon as possible. Just seeing what's out there. After a recent family emergency we have just decided we would like to move up closer to family. I can answer any questions, thank you.

In exchange for House in Ohio

ID: 48817, Submitted: 08/23/2024 18:35:59, Updated: 08/23/2024 18:35:59, Visitors: 1400


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