Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Indiana

Address: 7300 Heim Road Chandler 47610

Approximate value $: 185,000

4 Bedroom ranch home on 4.75 acres. New roof, gutters, heat pump, central air / furance. Home has wood and laminate flooring. Two car detached garage. Home includes all appliances: stove, oven, refrig, dishwasher, dryer and washer. Riding lawn mower included! Home is turnkey!

In exchange for House in California, 92596

Approximate value $ : 200,000

Need a home in the Winchester or French Valley area of California. Home needs to be a minimimu of 4 bedroom, prefer 5. Home must have a garage

ID: 10611, Submitted: 12/14/2010 21:33:05, Updated: 12/14/2010 21:33:05, Visitors: 2689


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