Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Indiana

Address: west 13th street indianapolis 46214

Approximate value $: 125000

2 Bedroom (1 bedroom furnished)
1 Bathroom
Full basement with office (could be 3rd bedroom) washer/dryer included
2 car detached garage/workshop with 220 power
Central Air and Heat (low monthly rates)
Small Pets ok
Ben Davis Schools
Rent: 750 per month, 1st and last month as security deposit
Renter looks after yard
Available on 1 year lease, will consider month to month at higher monthly rate.
Available: February 2011

In exchange for House in California, 94558

Approximate value $ : 300000

2 bedroom 2 bath. Desired in rental property for an least 1 year. To be renewed as needed. Husband and I are relocating from Indianapolis. Can also be in Bay area.

ID: 10901, Submitted: 12/22/2010 13:19:01, Updated: 12/22/2010 13:19:01, Visitors: 6018


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