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House in Indiana

Address: Abbots Place CARMEL, iNDIANA 46033

Approximate value $: 245,000

House is 4 bedroom, 2 3/4 bathrooms; master bedroom had vaulted ceiling with walk in closet and bathroom; second bedroom has walk in closet; fourth bedroom on main floor; over 1/2 acre fenced lot on double cul de sac; living room/dining room have vaulted ceilings; stone fireplace.

In exchange for House in Indiana

Looking for home with 3+ bedrooms, basement, in area around 96th/Oleo in Indianapolis, perhaps with some land, or an out building.

ID: 11470, Submitted: 01/08/2011 11:57:46, Updated: 01/08/2011 12:00:01, Visitors: 6426


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