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House in Indiana

Address: 2718 Foxbriar Place Indianapolis 46203

Approximate value $: 180K-190K

3 Bed Room, 3 Car Garage, Fenced in back yard on pond. Built new in 2005. Non-Smoked in home kept immaculate inside and out. Beautifully landscapped, etc. Approx 3,000sq ft. 3 bed room, 2 living room, 1 office,2.5 baths, new ceramic tile in kitchen/laundry/pantry, back wood deck, open floor plan. 2 story home, 9ft ceilings on 1st floor, custom blinds / drapes on windows, custom paint in all rooms.

In exchange for House in Nevada, reno

Approximate value $ : 180K-190k

3 bed room, fenced in yard, non-smoking home preferred. Approx 2200-2500 s ft needed.

ID: 11804, Submitted: 01/18/2011 00:29:31, Updated: 01/18/2011 00:35:38, Visitors: 6157


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