Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Indiana

Address: E Lousiana Street Evansville 47711

Approximate value $: 40000

Built in 1920. Privacy fenced in yard, 2car concrete garage. 3br, 1500 sq ft. Great for a family starting out or a handy man that has time for small fixer-uppers. Located 5 blocks from grade school & high school. House has lots of potential. Owner just ready for country life :-)

In exchange for House in Indiana, 47523

Approximate value $ : 40000

Would like to trade for a trailer/cabin or lot space in Yellowbanks Reacreation Area

ID: 12659, Submitted: 02/20/2011 14:01:29, Updated: 02/20/2011 14:01:29, Visitors: 3251


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