Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Indiana

Address: 8630 center lake rd. Brown County 46164

Approximate value $: 580,000

The 4,200sq.ft. home is located on the north end of a private lake community, with fishing and skiing lake rights on the 2 cleanest lakes in Indiana. The home is 4BR., 2.5BA. and with little effort/money can be 6BR., 3.5 BA. The garage upper level is 4 car w/20'x12' studio and the lower level is 32'x12' workshop and utility garage for mowers, tractors, etc. All sitting on 5ac. with pond shared with additional 16.25 ac. of forest, with horse barn. 21.25 ac. total. I will consider selling/trading home and 5ac. by itself as well.
This estate has never been listed for sale since built in 2001. If you look at the satellite image the property is just NW of the locator.

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : equal or less

Desired trade would be equal or trade down. I have no desire to produce additional cash. Please be realistic!! We can both win!!

ID: 13793, Submitted: 04/21/2011 12:29:11, Updated: 04/21/2011 12:43:40, Visitors: 4367


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