Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Indiana

Address: 1000 n tuxedo st indianapolis 46201

Approximate value $: 55,000

this is a two bedroom downstairs includes living rm dining rm, family rm, big kitchen, sun rm, screened porch, front screened porch,w/an efficency or mother in law quarters upstairs. we use them for bedrooms, but still has the kitchen cabinets and sinks. includes a bathroom upstairs and down. 2200 sq ft. two car garage...needs a few cosmetics...

In exchange for House in Indiana

Approximate value $ : 35000-50000

looking to trade for house w/4 or 5 bedrooms of equal or lesser value as long as it is livable.
must have a two car garage. ok if it needs cosmetics. lookin for east n.east north s.east

ID: 8885, Submitted: 10/18/2010 21:17:57, Updated: 10/18/2010 21:17:57, Visitors: 6319


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