Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Indiana

Address: 612 East Main St Flora 46929

Approximate value $: $52,500

I am having a hard time meeting bills on my fixed income. I would love to
let you have my fully furnished home for what I owe on it ($47,000) I bought
it for $52,500 so pay down equity is $5,500.I have recently contacted the realtor inquireing as to the current value comparison/appraisal for my property. The 2 county comparison shows it's worth to be approx $60,360. This equates to an approximate equity value of over $13,000. My current monthly payment
escrowed with Taxes, Insurance and mortgage payment is $370 a month. When
you get your own financing at today's lower rates- mine was 7.25% -yours
could be as low as 2.5% your payment would be $300 a month. If you were to
move it would be a great rental bringing in $500+ a month. My VA Pension
will not allow me to make a single penny on this house or allow me to rent.
My loss can be your Huge gain. Call Robert for pictures and info.

In exchange for Land in Louisiana

would love to trade for a live aboard boat.

ID: 9290, Submitted: 11/01/2010 00:12:28, Updated: 11/08/2010 13:52:56, Visitors: 2776


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