Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Kansas

Address: 3905 n 97 st kansas city ks 66109

Approximate value $: ????

I have 3.8 acres in kck piper school dis with a 2 car garage with a full finshed basment where I live there is a good size barn with a loft lots of trees
I don't need this much land this is a nice place to live and build like to sawp trade what I have for a 2 bed house with a garage or a shop or garage with 2 bed in ks or mo
call jim at 913-788-9683

In exchange for House in Kansas, Missouri

Approximate value $ : ??????????

small 2 bed room house with a large garage or shop
or a shop with 2 bed rooms in it

ID: 14549, Submitted: 06/07/2011 08:09:08, Updated: 06/07/2011 09:17:16, Visitors: 11340


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