Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Kansas

Address: 10511 E. Genova Street Wichita, Kansas 67206

Approximate value $: $700,000

High end home, no expense was spared. Exclusive, quiet, gated community in very desirable area, restaurants, shopping and surrounded by million dollar homes. Waterfall and beautiful landscaping in back yard. 4 bedrooms, theater, storm room. Very beautiful home. Have $450,000 mortgage on property.

In exchange for Property in Any state

Approximate value $ : 250,000

Preferably in West Texas, El Paso, Southern NM but open to other areas.

ID: 24704, Submitted: 02/19/2015 18:44:15, Updated: 02/19/2015 18:44:15, Visitors: 11328


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