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House in Kansas

Address: 67050

Approximate value $: 280,000

Corner 1&1/8 acres, mature trees, septic & well system. House was built in 72. 3 bedrooms with 2 baths. Full basement/ family room with 2 working fireplaces. 2 miles to K to 12 schools. Double car garage . Quiet nice neighborhood

In exchange for House in Kansas, 67013

Approximate value $ : Under 90,000

Prefer one story with basement & yard in west Wichita or Goddard . Outside needs to sided or brick. 3 bedrooms with garage. Will consider all offers.

ID: 26626, Submitted: 05/18/2019 01:27:14, Updated: 05/18/2019 01:27:14, Visitors: 4854


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