Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Kentucky

Address: Steele Street Frankfort 40601

Approximate value $: 169,000

Upstairs/ downstairs historic home just steps from the state capitol building in the heart of Kentucky's government center. This historic home was originally build in the early 1900's and was renovated four years ago from top to bottom and is in great shape. I also have a commercial property that is a small deli located in the heart of the government district. This building is currently leased and has a cash flow so their are a lot of options for a trade. This commercial property is valued at $125,000. Would consider a trade for either of these properties separately or both together. Just let me know what you have. Especially interested in farm land or vacation property or west coast house.

In exchange for House in Any state

ID: 25139, Submitted: 11/22/2015 09:45:30, Updated: 11/22/2015 09:45:30, Visitors: 5948


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