Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Kentucky

Address: Needmore St Walton 41094

Approximate value $: 120000

3 Bedroom home in nice quiet neighborhood on dead end street. Off street parking. Recent remodel. Close to shopping, restaurants, bus route, interstate. Will consider trade for property in the Acadia National Park area of Maine. Willing to consider even trade or take cash with trade.

In exchange for Land in Maine, 04609

Approximate value $ : 120000

On or near island bus route, prefer a view, stream on property, gently sloping land, near a lake/ocean, electric/water available, But will consider all.

ID: 25515, Submitted: 08/16/2016 12:53:20, Updated: 08/16/2016 12:53:20, Visitors: 5481


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