Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Kentucky

Address: Louisa 41230

Approximate value $: 100K 200K

Earth sheltered house and property. Unsurveyed but google maps estimated 42 to 52 acres. 2 acres of garden. 2000 sq ft house. Hunting paradise. Cougar, bobcat, deer, turkey, occasional elk

In exchange for Farm in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, Texas

Approximate value $ : 100K

Country. I own mine outright. I DON't want your under water loan. If you owe Anything on yours,, Don't contact me, please.Cons, don't even try!!!!

ID: 25737, Submitted: 02/07/2017 01:40:05, Updated: 02/07/2017 03:01:10, Visitors: 6142


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